Frequently Asked Questions
What is Adventure Time?
​Adventure Time is a non-profit organization which has provided California State licensed, safe, nurturing child care on-site at Bay Area schools since 1984. We offer enrichment activities in arts, crafts, sports, games, science, computers, cooking, drama, music, and language arts in a nurturing, positive learning environment as well as before and after school child care. All of our teachers are college/university trained and experienced professionals in the field of education and child care. We have an excellent retention rate for our teachers with some having worked longer than thirty years in our programs. Adventure Time has had the same professional management team for more then 35 years. Children have their choice of activities during the day. We offer morning and afternoon snacks.

What are the ages of children who may attend Adventure Time?
​Children must be school age by the first day of attendance, and no older than twelve years at any time during attendance and must be entering T-K through 6th grade at the school where the program is located. For Summer Day Camp enrollment, children do not need to be enrolled in the elementary school where the program is located.
When are you open?
Adventure Time Extended Day Care hours of operation for your school are listed in the tuition schedule available in our classrooms. All programs operate Monday through Friday, and all programs are open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with some programs open earlier in the morning. Our regular program follows the holiday schedule of the School District, however, we offer holiday care on an hourly basis at selected school sites during most of the school holidays. We are closed on: Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve Day, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day. We are open all other weekdays 12 months per year.
Why is the monthly tuition the same each month even though some months have more school days than others? Do we pay for holidays?
You pay only for the approximately 180 days school is open during the school year in your regular monthly tuition. Non-school days are not included in the regular monthly tuition. Each month, you are paying for the average number of school days in a billing period rather than the actual number of school days in a particular billing period. While some billing periods have fewer teaching days than others, such as months with holidays, others have more teaching days. Each billing period you are actually paying for approximately 18.95 school days (the average per month over the school year). Holidays or other non-school days are not computed in the regular monthly tuition. Holiday or non-school day tuition is separate. Please see our tuition schedule for holiday or non-school day tuition amounts for those children who attend on any or all of these days.
Why is holiday tuition not included in the regular monthly tuition?
The regular monthly tuition is computed based on the number of hours per week and the specific schedule that you have signed-up for on school days. If a child attends on a holiday, his or her schedule on that day is usually different than his or her schedule on a school day. In many cases, children attend only on school days and do not take advantage of our holiday operations. Therefore, regular monthly tuition is based only on the days school is in session during the school year.
When is tuition due?
For convenience in budgeting, tuition for the school year is payable in nine installments. Payments are due in advance on the first day of each month. Exceptions: By the first day of school, or at the time of enrollment, whichever comes first, tuition for the first day through September 30 is due. Also, the tuition due on May 1 is for May 1 through the last day of school.. If tuition is not received within five days after the due date, a $15.00 late payment fee will be charged. Monthly tuition in Adventure Time is based on the number of school days in the school year (approximately 180). If a child attends on holidays, tuition for these days is additional.
Where do I pay my tuition? Will I be billed?
There are several options for paying tuition. You may click on the "Make A Payment" box on the upper right hand corner of any of the pages on this website and pay by credit card, mail a check to: Adventure Time, P.O. Box 5009, Berkeley, CA 94705-0009, or leave your tuition payment in the locked drop box on our Parent Bulletin Board in our classroom. A statement will be sent to you around the 20th of each month for the next billing period. Monthly statements are sent as a reminder. As there are occasionally delays in the mail, we cannot be responsible for the successful delivery of your statements by the postal service. It is the responsibility of parents to make tuition payments on time regardless of whether they receive their statements. If you are unsure of the amount you owe and you do not receive your statement, please pay the amount you believe you owe and enclose a note with your payment requesting the correct amount or call our office at: 510-658-7412 to request the correct amount. Please allow one week for your check to reach us by courier, mail, or electronic banking.
Why is there so little time between the date statements are mailed (on the 20th) and the date payments are due (on the 1st)?
To ensure that statements are accurate and as up-to-date as possible, we like to record all payments and miscellaneous charges before statements are prepared.
May I change my child's schedule during the school year?
A schedule change may be requested in writing on a schedule change form and will be granted
as long as space is available. If the number of hours in child`s schedule is reduced, the corresponding reduction in tuition will take effect at the beginning of the next billing period (the 1st of the month). Increases in a child schedule will be reflected in tuition on the date the change occurs. To change your child's schedule, please fill out a "Schedule Change" form.
Do I need to sign my child in and out of the program?
Yes. When your child is dropped-off or picked-up, please sign him/her in and out on the sheet on our Parent Table. Children enrolled in the before school program should be escorted by a parent or responsible adult in the morning. We are not responsible for children who are enrolled before school until they enter our room in the morning.
May my child walk home from Adventure Time?
Yes. If you would like your child to walk home from Adventure Time, he or she is twelve years or older, and you feel that your child is old enough and responsible enough to walk home safely, please complete a "Walk Home Permission" form and return it to us to keep in your child's file. If you or another adult over 18 years of age does not come into the classroom to pick up your child, we need to have this form completed.
What happens if one of my tuition checks is returned to you unpaid by the bank?
Any check returned to us by the bank for insufficient funds will be subject to a $10.00 charge (for the first bad check). If we receive a second bad check from a family, we will charge a $20.00 service charge and require that they pay future tuition by cashier's check, money order, or cash. All checks returned from the bank must be replaced by cashier's check, money order, or cash.
In an emergency, is it possible for my child to stay at Adventure Time additional time beyond his/her regular schedule?
Yes. We have a drop-in service which is available to families enrolled in our program. In unexpected situations your child may stay in our program extra time (at additional cost) if space is available. Enrollment is limited based on our licensed capacity. Please complete a "Drop-In Request" form and leave it in the manila envelope on the Parent Bulletin Board in our classroom. We will add drop-in charges to your monthly statement. Please refer to our tuition schedule available in our classroom for drop-in rates.
If my child is absent, do I get credit for the unused time?
No. We are unable to give you credit, either in time or money, for days your child does not attend his or her scheduled time in our program. Adventure Time is operated by a non-profit organization, and our budgeting requires a consistent income from month-to-month. Since we cannot fill your child's space when he or she is absent, we need to charge you for this time. We are unable to "trade" absent time for other hours because this would cause problems for teachers in keeping attendance and could result in over-enrollment at times.
If my child is going to be absent, do I need to call Adventure Time?
Yes. If your child is going to be absent, please let us know sometime before his or her scheduled arrival.
Is it possible to withdraw my child from Adventure Time during the school year?
Yes. To withdraw from Adventure Time between the first day of the school year and April 30, please complete an Enrollment Discontinued form. Tuition obligation will extend through the last day of enrollment. Due to our staffing commitments, tuition for May 1st to the end of the school year cannot be refunded. If a child withdraws from Adventure Time after April 30, our parent agreement requires that tuition be paid through the end of the school year.
What happens if I pick my child up after closing time?
We ask that you provide the name and phone number of another person authorized to pick up your child in the event that you are unable to do so by closing time. Our lease with the School District and our insurance carrier both specify that we are not to have children in our programs after closing time. If a child is picked up after closing, there is a $15.00 charge for each fifteen minute interval after closing. During the school year, this charge will be added to your account and must be paid by the due date on your statement.
How do I enroll my child(ren) in Adventure Time?
A child must first be enrolled in the elementary school where Adventure Time is located before he or she may enroll in the Adventure Time program. To enroll, please send your Enrollment Application, an non-refundable $85 application fee, and one-and-one-half month's tuition, which is applied immediately to your account, to our office at: Post Office 5009, Berkeley, CA 94705, or leave your application and check in the locked box in our classroom. To determine tuition amount, please see our tuition schedule available in our classroom. If you are unsure of the exact amount, please pay the amount you believe to be correct, and this payment will appear on your first statement along with the correct monthly tuition. If you are enrolling after school begins in the fall, please complete an enrollment packet in addition to the Enrollment Application. All forms must be completed and a month-and-one-half's tuition paid before the first day of attendance.
What hours may I enroll my child? Is there a minimum number of hours?
Children may enroll either before school, after school, or both. Minimum enrollment is five hours per week per child.
A child's schedule must be the same each week.
How much is tuition?
Tuition amounts are listed below. The amounts listed on the tuition schedule are listed in hours per week for convenience in computing monthly amounts. There is a 20% discount for families with two or more siblings enrolled.
Summer Frequently Asked Questions
What are the ages of children who may attend the Summer Day Camp?
​Children must be entering kindergarten through sixth grade in the fall and no older than twelve years at any time during attendance. For Summer Day Camp enrollment, children do not need to be enrolled in the elementary school where the program is located.
What are your locations and hours?
Our summer day camp programs operate at the following locations during the summer:
​--Independent Elementary School, Castro Valley
--Mattos Elementary School, Fremont
--Niles Elementary School, Fremont
​Programs open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 6:00 p.m., Monday-Friday.
How do we enroll in Adventure Time Summer Day Camp?
To enroll, please go to our website: Please click on the link on the Summer Day Camp page. Children may enroll by the week during the Summer Day Camp program.
​How much is tuition?
​​​Tuition for full-day sessions is based on $11.00 per hour, and tuition for half-day sessions is based on $11.50 per hour. If full-day and half-day sessions are combined in the same week, tuition will be pro-rated accordingly. There is a 20% discount on total tuition for families with two or more siblings enrolled during the same week. We are unable to give credit for unused time. A non-refundable deposit of $15.00 per child per week, which will be credited towards tuition for the week reserved, must be paid at the time of enrollment along with a non-refundable $45.00 application fee per family. If enrollment for any week is cancelled, deposit(s) will not be refunded. Cancellation of enrollment must be made prior to the scheduled week(s) or the full tuition for the week(s) must be paid. A $25.00 late payment fee will be charged for payments received after the first day of attendance each week.
HALF DAY TUITION based on $11.50 per hour
Sessions: Tuition per week:
7:00-12:00 287.50
7:30-12:00 258.75
7:00-1:00 345.00
7:30-1:00 316.25
8:00-12:00 230.00
8:30-12:00 201.25
8:00-1:00 287.50
8:30-1:00 258.75
9:00-12:00 172.50
9:00-1:00 230.00
12:00-4:00 230.00
12:00-4:30 258.75
12:00-5:00 287.50
12:00-5:30 316.25
1:00-4:00 172.50
1:00-4:30 201.25
1:00-5:00 230.00
1:00-5:30 258.75
1:00-6:00 287.50
12:00-6:00 345.00
FULL DAY TUITION based on $11.00 per hour
Sessions: Tuition per week:
7:00-4:00 495.00
7:00-4:30 522.50
7:30-4:00 467.50
7:30-4:30 495.00
7:00-5:00 550.00
7:00-5:30 577.50
7:30-5:00 522.50
7:30-5:30 550.00
7:00-6:00 605.00
7:30-6:00 577.50
8:00-4:00 440.00
8:00-4:30 467.50
8:30-4:00 412.50
8:30-4:30 440.00
9:00-4:00 385.00
9:00-4:30 412.50
8:00-5:00 495.00
8:00-5:30 522.50
8:30-5:00 467.50
8:30-5:30 495.00
9:00-5:00 440.00
9:00-5:30 467.50
8:00-6:00 550.00
8:30-6:00 522.50
9:00-6:00 495.00
The above rates are for five days per week. For two days per
week, multiply above rates by 40%; for three days, multiply by
60%; and four days, multiply by 80%. We are unable to give credit
for unused time. A non-refundable deposit of $30.00 per child per
week, which will be credited towards tuition, must be paid at the
time of enrollment along with a non-refundable $45.00 application
fee per family. If enrollment for any week is cancelled, deposit(s)
will not be refunded. Cancellation of enrollment must be made
prior to the scheduled weeks(s) or the full tuition for the weeks(s)
must be paid.
When is tuition due, and what forms of payment do you accept?
Tuition is payable on a weekly basis and is due no later than the first day of attendance each week. After completing the application form and paying the deposits, we will send a statement to you listing tuition amounts for the weeks you have enrolled. Please note that to ensure proper staffing, schedule changes must be approved, in advance, by a Program Supervisor or Site Director. Schedule changes may be denied due to full enrollment at requested times or safety concerns. We accept payment in the form of personal check, cashier's check, money order, cash, and all major credit cards. If we have received a personal check from a family which was returned by the bank unpaid, we will be unable to accept personal checks from that family in the future. Returned check fees are charged to a family's Adventure Time account.
In an emergency, is it possible for my child to stay at Adventure Time additional time beyond his/her regular schedule?
Yes, we have a drop-in service which is available to families needing additional hours if space is available. Please complete a "Drop-In Request" form and leave it in the manila envelope on the Parent Bulletin Board in our classroom. Attendance in the program during hours which are not part of a child's regularly scheduled time will be charged at the drop-in rate of $15.00 per hour. We request that you attach payment for drop-in hours to the "Drop-In Request" form.
Do I need to sign my child in and out of the program?
Yes. When your child is dropped-off or picked-up, please sign him or her in and out on the sheet on our Parent Table. We are not responsible for children until they enter our room and are signed in. Our state licensing agency requires that a parent or guardian sign a child in and out each ​day.​
May my child walk home from Adventure Time?
If you would like your child to walk home from Adventure Time, your child is at least twelve years old, and you feel he or she is responsible enough to walk home safely, please complete a "Walk Home Permission" form and return it to us to keep in your child's file. If you or another adult over 18 years of age does not come into the classroom to pick up your child, we need to have this form completed.